P L A N E T A R I A A Galaxy of Experiences in your Neighborhood PLANETARIA is a theme park designed to bring you to the furthest reaches of our galaxy without moving you out of the confines of the park. By utilizing Advanced Technologies™ , we are able to planets, both terrestrial and gas, and in some cases even entire systems in manufactured, state of the art singularity containers. Through a new process known as Remulsification, your body and mind may be deconstructed and reconstructed to fit into the conduit. As a result, the actual square acreage of the park will be quite small. In fact, it is almost contained entirely within one building. However, the total extraterrestrial “land” that we have transformed into theme park land on other planets totals to about 9 acres large, about a bit more than 2 acres dedicated to each planet. The first thing visitors will notice when entering our park is the unique design of our main building. The entire structure resembles tha...